Menyegarkan Sejarah: Bahan Ajar Digital Sejarah Maritim Untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Nasionalisme Siswa Di Sma Kawasan Pesisir


  • Bagus Subagja Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Sariyatun Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Deny Try Ardiyanto Universitas Sebelas Maret



Bahan Ajar Digital;, Sejarah Maritim;, Kesadaran Nasionalisme;


This research aims to develop digital teaching materials based on the maritime history of the Indonesian archipelago to enhance students' nationalistic awareness in coastal schools. The development stems from the significance of maritime history, which is often underexplored in formal education curricula, despite its crucial role in shaping Indonesia's identity as an archipelagic nation. The methodology employed in this study is Research and Development (R&D) using the Borg and Gall development model. The subjects of the study are high school students in the coastal area of Pangandaran, who have historical and geographical connections to maritime history topics. The findings indicate that the developed digital teaching materials effectively improve students' understanding of the importance of maritime roles in the archipelago's history and strengthen their nationalistic awareness. Students utilizing these materials exhibit a higher interest in learning history compared to conventional teaching resources. The interactive digital media included in the materials make the learning process more engaging and relevant for students living in coastal areas. Additionally, teachers in these regions have responded positively to the materials, as they facilitate a more innovative and effective approach to teaching history. The study concludes that digital teaching materials based on maritime history have significant potential for widespread application in coastal schools to enhance students' nationalistic sentiments while addressing the shortcomings of maritime history education in current formal curricula. The use of technology in education serves as an effective means to increase student engagement in understanding the nation's history



How to Cite

Subagja, B., Sariyatun, & Try Ardiyanto, D. (2024). Menyegarkan Sejarah: Bahan Ajar Digital Sejarah Maritim Untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Nasionalisme Siswa Di Sma Kawasan Pesisir . Proceedings of the National Seminar on Community Service, 4(-), 98-109.