Pelatihan Penerapan Metode Diskusi Berkelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Di SD Negeri 1 Kalimeang
training, group discussion, learning motivation, learning outcomesAbstract
This training aims to improve student motivation and learning outcomes through the implementation of the group discussion method at SD Negeri 1 Kalimeang. The group discussion method was chosen because it is considered capable of encouraging active student participation and providing opportunities to share knowledge and experiences. This training involved teachers at SD Negeri 1 Kalimeang in understanding and effectively implementing group discussion methods in the classroom. The training was conducted through several stages, including socialization, workshops, and mentoring of classroom practices. The results of the training show that teachers at SD Negeri 1 Kalimeang became more skilled in applying the group discussion method and were able to design interactive learning sessions. From the students’ perspective, there was an increase in motivation and engagement in the learning process. Furthermore, this method had a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes, as evidenced by improved scores and understanding of the material. Thus, this training successfully achieved its objective of enhancing student motivation and learning outcomes through the application of the group discussion method at SD Negeri 1 Kalimeang.