Implementation of Forward Chaining Algorithm to Identify Istihadhah Time in Android-Based Daily Menstruation Application


  • Rosidin Cirebon Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon
  • Sukarsa
  • Nila Kholisotul Mauliya
  • Dicky Andika Sulaeman
  • Abdul Kohar



Darah Kewanitaan, Sistem Pakar, Aplikasi Android, Forward chaining


Lack of knowledge and understanding of Muslim women on how to distinguish between female blood, such as menstruation and istihadhah causes difficulties in identifying the time of istihadhah, which can affect daily worship. This study aims to help Muslim women, especially female vocational school students, to more easily understand and distinguish between female blood types. Thus, they do not make mistakes in performing worship. This study was conducted on 35 female students of SMK NU Al Basyariyah Kedokan Bunder, who although they understand the legal basis of female blood, many of them still have difficulty distinguishing between menstruation and istihadhah. To provide guidance in accordance with Islamic law, an Android-based application called Daily Haid was created, using the forward chaining expert system method. To measure how effective and useful this application is, testing was carried out with the System Usability Scale (SUS) involving 30 respondents. The test results showed that the application scored 75, which placed it in the "Acceptable" category, with a grade of "B" and an adjective rating of "Good." This shows that the application is well received by users, is considered satisfactory in terms of usability and convenience, and helps improve users' understanding of the jurisprudence of female blood and proper worship.

Keyword : Feminine Blood, Expert System, Android Apps , Forward chaining


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How to Cite

Cirebon, R., Sukarsa, S., Mauliya, N. K., Sulaeman, D. A. ., & Kohar, A. (2024). Implementation of Forward Chaining Algorithm to Identify Istihadhah Time in Android-Based Daily Menstruation Application. Jendela ASWAJA, 5(2), 104-118.


