Efforts to Improve Reading and Writing Through the Becalis Program at SDN 1 Karangsembung
Synergy, Digitalization, SAS, Innovation, CreativityAbstract
Community Service (KKN) is a real manifestation of community service activities by implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely aspects of service by academics with cross-disciplinary fields at certain times and regions that have been designated by the university. Through community service activities in Karangsembung Village, there is synergy between universities and the community as a manifestation of democratic knowledge. The purpose of this service is to provide an understanding to the local community about the importance of education in order to help the government in educating the nation's children. The method used in this service is a qualitative method. The issue that is of concern is the current phenomenon where students who are not yet able to read and write well, but can still move up a class. Students who move up a class without basic skills such as reading and writing will certainly have an impact in the future. Community service is carried out through the BECALIS (Learning to Read and Write) work program activities. The methods used are initial reading and writing such as the alphabet, spelling, syllables, and SAS methods. The results of the service provide an understanding to the community, especially teachers and parents of students, about the importance of reading and writing for children, tutoring, making learning media for teachers as materials for teaching in class and innovation and creativity of teachers in guiding students who are not yet fluent in reading or who cannot read.