Peningkatan Moral Spiritual Siswa Melalui Pendampingan Paktek Wudhu Dan Shalat Di Madrasah Al-Ikhlas, Desa Tambelang
DOI: Kunci:
Siswa, Pendampingan, Praktek KeagamaanAbstrak
Education is an effort to form intelligent, skilled, and pious human beings. Learning ablution and prayer from an early age is important in shaping student character. This study aims to improve the understanding of TPQ class B students about ablution and prayer through the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method. Mentoring activities were carried out on 21 August 2024, with planning, implementation, and evaluation involving students, teachers, and parents. The results showed a significant increase in students' understanding of ablution and prayer procedures. Intensive mentoring also had a positive impact on students' spiritual behaviour. A key finding of the study was the importance of parental involvement in reinforcing learning at home. In conclusion, the PAR method is effective in improving students' understanding and worship skills as well as building collaboration between schools and parents.
Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Mikey Anggara Suganda, Moh Halwan Fadli Ilhami, Misbahus Sudur, Winny Dwi Fitriyani, Rifqi Ramdhan Muttaqin

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