PKM Sektor Pendidikan dan UMKM Desa Panongan, Kecamatan Sedong, Kabupaten Cirebon


  • Billi Rifa Kusumah Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon
  • Kusmawanto Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon
  • Siti Nurjanah Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon
  • Siti Nurhalimah Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon
  • Jimmy Apriansyah Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon


Legalitas Lembaga Pendidikan, Kondisi Sarana Prasarana, Keberlangsungan UMKM, Media Digital


In this community service, we conduct research in two sectors, namely the education

sector and the MSME sector. First in the education sector, the research was conducted at

Madrasah Diniyah Mathla'ul Anwar. The quality of education at Madrasah Diniyah Mathla'ul

Anwar is still inadequate, especially in the areas of administration and infrastructure. Madrasah

Diniyah Mathla'ul Anwar is a madrasa that is shaded by the Panongan village government

because the land occupied by the madrasa belongs to the Panongan village government. The

method used in this research is to make observations, interviews with managers, discussions with

the village government and teaching assistance to students. So there needs to be a feasibility in the

quality of infrastructure, and administration. With this community service research at Madrasah

Diniyah Mathla'ul Anwar, to encourage the village government to pay more attention, immediately

carry out rehabilitation, complete administration and infrastructure at Madrasah Diniyah

Mathla'ul Anwar. Second, in the MSME sector, the development of MSMEs in Indonesia is

accelerating and has entered the era of Digital MSMEs. The aim of the researcher is to enter

MSME Partners into the digital market so that they can compete with other MSMEs. This research

on SMEs will use qualitative research methods. The data collection uses observation, interviews,

documentation and data triangulation. The results of this study, product marketing publications

are carried out using online shopping applications and social media including using Shopee,

Instagram and Whatsapp applications. It can be seen that the results of publications on the first

day with online media can be seen by 40 people on WhatsApp stories and 44 people on Instagram

stories. So that Mitra MSME products can now be recognized with a wider scope than before. And

if you work deeper, this partner MSME can compete with other MSMEs.



How to Cite

Rifa Kusumah, B., Kusmawanto, Nurjanah, S., Nurhalimah, S., & Apriansyah, J. (2024). PKM Sektor Pendidikan dan UMKM Desa Panongan, Kecamatan Sedong, Kabupaten Cirebon. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Untukmu Nusantara, 1(1), 1-12. Retrieved from




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