Strengthening the Human Resources of Difables through Entrepreneurship Training Towards Competitive and Independent Difables in the Sridadi Area, Rembang Regency, Central Java
Strengthening, Human Resources, Disabilities, Entrepreneurial TrainingAbstract
Despite having physical deficiencies, it does not make them pessimistic to continue the wheel of life. The lack of empowerment in the business of the disabled community makes the servants moved to empower them to become more independent. Being disabled is not impossible and an obstacle to progress and develop into an entrepreneur. There are many ways and opportunities that can be done for people with disabilities to become independent and benefit all parties. This community service activity aims to provide training on strengthening human resources through entrepreneurship to people with disabilities. With this training, it is hoped that people with disabilities will be able to become independent entrepreneurs and be able to develop precise strategies in building businesses that are of their interest and can take advantage of opportunities in the surrounding environment to start thinking about running an actual business. By becoming an entrepreneur, people with disabilities can be independent, earn an income and no longer be a burden on the family, let alone be humiliated by the people around them.