Technical Guidance for Sepak Takraw Game in Pulau Seribu


  • Abdul Gani Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Burhan Basyirudin Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Masnur Ali Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Dadan Resmana Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Sepak Takraw, Achievement, Training, Coach


This community service aims to help trainers to understand the latest knowledge in training sepak takraw especially basic and advanced besik in providing training so that they can excel in sepak takraw, especially in the Thousand Island environment. In addition, the coaches can understand the types of training for athletes at the age of students or elite athletes who are prepared to defend Pulau Seribu and Jakarta at the club, pro vention or national event level, and also the coaches can do direct practice of the types of exercises that have been explained.

The implementation programme will be carried out through seminars and workshops, the first stage the coaches are explained about the methods of training warm-ups, correct basic besik and advanced basic besik defensive positions per position and exercises for improvement for sepak takraw athletes, especially skill improvement and achievement improvement, then these types of exercises are practiced by coaches and teachers.

This community service was carried out at the Thousand Island Sports Hall. It is hoped that from the results of the community service carried out the coaches can understand the training programme on how to train good and correct soccer skills for sepak takraw athletes, especially Pulau Seribu, so that athletes can compete with good abilities and skills in the future or reach the peak at the expected time such as, invistation, POPDA, PORDA and National. Athletes are expected not to experience significant boredom as a result of the training process that is pariasi and win to win as what every coach or coach of sepak takraw in the National aspires to.



How to Cite

Gani, A. ., Basyirudin, B. ., Ali, M. ., & Resmana, D. . (2024). Technical Guidance for Sepak Takraw Game in Pulau Seribu. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Community Service, 4(-), 780-784.