Pemanfaatan Ecobrick Dalam Metode Role Playing Untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Lingkungan SDN 1 Belawa
Ecobrick, role playing, environmental awarenessAbstract
Environmental awareness is crucial to instill from an early age, particularly among students. This article discusses the utilization of ecobrick in the role-playing method to enhance environmental awareness at SD Negeri 1 Belawa. Ecobrick, which is a plastic bottle filled with waste plastic, serves not only as a solution for waste reduction but also as an effective educational tool. Through the role-playing method, students take on roles in the waste management process, from sorting to using ecobrick in construction projects.The activity begins with an introduction to the ecobrick concept, followed by role-playing practice where students simulate waste sorting and filling bottles with waste. Additionally, a reflection session is held to reinforce students' understanding of the importance of environmental preservation. Evaluation is conducted through quizzes and group discussions, showing that this activity successfully enhances students' environmental awareness and their engagement in maintaining a clean environment. As a result, students not only comprehend environmental issues theoretically but also apply good practices in their daily lives.By implementing this method, it is hoped that students will become a generation more concerned about environmental. issues and able to contribute to sustaining the environment in the future. This activity also opens opportunities for collaboration between schools and communities in efforts to create a cleaner and more sustainable environment.