

The Guidelines for Article Writers


General Guidelines

  1. The article is of its own opinion and has never been published or is being considered for publication in another journal.
  2. Articles should be typed in 1 spaces on A4 paper using the letters Time New Roman 12pts with a number of pages ranging from 10-15 pages, including bibliography.
  3. The whole article is written in Indonesian / English, except for abstracts written in Indonesian and English.
  4. The author must refer to the procedure for writing the JIKO: Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan dan Olahraga
  5. The author includes a statement that the articles he writes are free from plagiarism.
  6. Articles are sent electronically in the form of files via email: jiko@unucirebon.ac.id

Manuscript Structure

Research articles are arranged in the following order:

  • Title
  • Author's name (without title)
  • Institution, email address
  • Abstract (Indonesian and Bahasa Indonesia). English)
  • Keywords (Indonesian and English)
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results and discussion
  • Conclusions and suggestions
  • Acknowledgments (if any)
  • Reference list oftheoretical studies articles arranged in the following order:
  • Title
  • Author's name ( without title)
  • Institution, email address
  • Abstract (Indonesian and English)
  • Keywords (Indonesian and English)
  • Introduction
  • Subtitles
  • Subtitles
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments (if any)
  • Reference list

Title of paper: Title in Indonesian is written inletters, Time New Roman size 14pts single space (title does not exceed 14 words), capitalized and in bold. Subtitles (if any) are written in Time New Roman font, size 12pts and are enclosed in parentheses. Each initial letter of the word in the subtitle is written in capital letters except for conjunctions and prepositions.

Author's name: it is written without titles in Time New Roman 12pts and in bold. Institutions and e-mail addresses should be written in Time New Roman 10pts and italicized.

Institution and e-mail address: If it is written by more than one person and comes from the same institution, it is enough to write the name of the institution once. If it is written by more than one person and comes from a different institution, all the names of the institutions are listed.

Abstract: This section must completely describe the essence of the research or theoretical study which includes the background and objectives of the research or writing briefly, the methods and the results of the research. The abstract is written in the range of 150-200 words with a single spaced 12pts font size. Especially for abstracts that are in English italicized.

Keywords: Written using Time New Roman, size 12pts, especially for English keywords italicized, all lowercase, maximum 5 words. The keywords must refer to the article title.

Heading: Heading is the title for each section in a journal writing such as introduction, methods / subtitles, results and discussion and conclusions. All headings are written in Time New Roman font, size 12pts. Each first letter of the word in the heading is written in capital letters, not numbered and in bold with the position to the left. If there are subtitles from the headings, they are numbered and arranged in the following order: 1,2,3; 1), 2), 3); (1), (2), (3); a, b, c

Text: All written text is written inletters, Time New Roman size 12pts with 1 space, the beginning of the paragraph is indented. The first time the abbreviation appears in the text, it must be followed by its length. Henceforth, just write the abbreviation. The Latin writing method is written in italics. The numbers from zero to nine are written in words. If a table or picture is quoted, then in the narrative it is written using the initial capital letter, for example: Table 3, Figure 3. 

Introduction: The introduction section contains problems or concepts or the results of previous research which are the basis for conducting research or theoretical study. The introduction should also explain the background and why the research topic is

important to do and at the end of the introduction it is explained about the purpose of the research or writing.

Methods: The method must describe the stages of the research in detail and clearly, including the research method and design as well as the instruments or measuring instruments used. Especially for theoretical study articles, this section contains subtitles (the number of subtitles is adjusted to your needs).

Results and discussion: This section provides information about the research findings and results. Data about research results can be presented in the form of tables, pictures and annotated graphics. This section also provides a discussion explaining the relationship between research results and theory, research objectives, and comparisons with other published studies. The discussion also explains the implications or contributions of the findings for science.

Conclusions and Suggestions: This section provides conclusions from the research results briefly accompanied by suggestions intended for future researchers or readers in general.

Acknowledgments: Addressed to those who assisted the research, such as a manuscript reviewer or research fund provider.

References: References written in the reference list are only those that are actually cited in the writing and vice versa. The list of references is written in alphabetical order with the procedure for writing the source data from the APA (American Psychosocial Association style 7) as follows:

For books written by more than three

authors Bellon, JJ, Bellon, EC, & Blank, MA at al. (1992). Teaching from a research 

knowledge base: A development and renewal process. New York: 

Macmillan Publishing Company.

For books written by two people

Cole, PG, & Chan, LKS (1994). Teaching principles and practice.2nd Edition.

New South Wales, Australia: Prentice Hall.

For books written by one man

Cullingford, C. (1995). The effective teacher. New York: Cassell.

For sources written by the

Ministry of National Education. (2012). Professional teacher development policy guidelines. Jakarta. 

For sources fromthesis or dissertation

Setiadi, R.'s (2006). Indonesian literacy teachers self-efficacy and its relationship to year 8 student achievements in reading and writing. Thesisi. Melbourne: 

Monash University.

For a source from the journal

Kang, S. (2010). Multicultural education and the rights to education of migrant children in South

Korea. Educational Review, 62(3), 287-300.

For sources from internet

Solis, A. (2009). Pedagogical content knowledge. Downloaded on August 30, 2013. [Online]. at


Writing table (if any): written in Time New Roman font, size 12pts and in bold. Each first letter of the word in the title of the table is written in capital letters, except for conjunctions and prepositions. Below the table is given sufficient information. The table title is written above before the table and is placed in the middle (center). 

Writing pictures (if any): written in Time New Roman font, size 12pts and in bold. Each first letter of the word in the image title is written in capital letters except for conjunctions and prepositions. The image title is written below the image and placed in the middle (center).