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  • Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan UNU
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  • JIKO: Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Olahraga
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  • Proceedings of the 2023 National Community Service Seminar "Strengthening Coastal Communities in Welcoming the Era of Society 5.0"
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  • Jurnal Kalam Murobbi: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
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  • Jurnal Olahraga Nasional
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  • Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar
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  • Jurnal Penaeus Edu
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  • Jurnal Untukmu Nusantara
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  • Jurnal Justice Aswaja
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  • Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah dan Akuntansi
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  • Jurnal Tropika Bahari
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  • Indonesian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science
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  • Jurnal Eksplorasi Bimbingan dan Konseling
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  • Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Sains (JPFS)
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  • Jendela ASWAJA
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  • Journal of Technology Information, Applications, Social Engineering and Forensics Digital (J-Terasic)
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