Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika 2024-10-03T08:23:56+00:00 Dicky Andika Sulaeman, S.T., M.Kom. Open Journal Systems <p>JAKIR (Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika) is an <strong>national peer-reviewed journal</strong> dedicated to advancing the field of <strong>Computer and Informatics</strong>. Published by the <strong>Department of Informatics Engeenering, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon, Indonesia</strong>, JAKIR provides a platform for researchers, scientists, and academics worldwide to publish their research findings and share their knowledge with the broader scientific community.<br /><br /><strong>JAKIR (Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika)</strong> is published twice a year in <strong>June</strong> and <strong>Oktober</strong>. The paper is an original script and has a research base on Informatics. <br />Thus, we invite Academics, Researchers, and Practitioners to participate in submitting their work to this journal.</p>